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Home Up
January 2001


January, 2001

Welcome to new members Peter and Phyllis, and a welcome back hug to Tony!

I want to thank everyone who helped with our annual holiday party... Mary, Peggy, Barry, Cindi, Ashlee, Ryan, Helene, Marty, Jeff, Janis, Michele, Ray, Dave, Sandy, Gene, Carol, Vicki, Dan, Rob, Lori, Michelle, Tony, Vicki, Cheryl, Tracy, Julia, Carol, Tom and Ginger.  Special thanks to Sandy and Dave for giving their time, support and home for our use - your home and tree were decorated beautifully; to Mary for taking one phone call in the a.m. and getting the Holiday Stress poem - thank you for sharing, the poem was right on the money; to Helene for taking charge of the menu; to Peggy and Barry for their donations and all the time spent on the phone tree; to Tony, Vicki and Cheryl for making it feel like old times and the constant support of Soft Shoulders; to Ashlee, Marty and Ryan for all of their time and effort in making sure everyone received a gift from Santa; to all who shared your secret pal gifts with each other; to all who spoke of being lost in adoption and for your support throughout the year - year after year; to all who baked, cooked, etc. - the menu was so delicious:  roast beef, ham, potato salad, pasta salad, green bean salad, veggie tray, sweet potatoes, baked beans, pasta, rolls, three kinds of Philly cheese cake, cookies, candy, chocolate mousse, brownies, and more!  I especially want to thank all who helped put the Holiday Party together... support comes in many ways - don't forget we're never far away.

Congratulations to Mary Thomas (adult adoptee)!  She won the December grocery give-away (a $50.00 gift certificate from Shop-Rite) from her school bus company. To be eligible you must not miss any time and have no preventable accidents or incidents for the month in question.  Also, Mary's husband, Dave Thomas, was honored with a Bus Driver of the Month citation.  Eligibility for this award is no accidents or incidents for 3+ years.  He is now in the running for bus driver of the year for his yards' location.  

Please send your special prayers to Barry's grandmother, Mabel, and to Jeff, Steve and others who need additional support during their time of need.

Post-holiday stress or the emotional roller coaster of search and/or reunion got you down?  Take a break and read the words of wisdom in Don't Quit!

Finders Keepers members Sandy Cox and Michele Houston attended the 2000 Adoption Forum Conference in Fort Washington, PA.  The conference offered many workshops as well as two keynote speakers, birthmother Carole Schaefer, author of "The Other Mother" and adoptive father Adam Pertman, author of "Adoption Nation". All members of the triad were represented, and attendees came from 13 states.  You can read what Michele learned from the conference at "Reunion and The Eggshell Syndrome".


Allen January 6th
Linda January 15th
Gene and Jeff January 16th
Chris January 22nd
Sandy January 31st

We will be celebrating the December and January birthdays at Bob Evan's, following the January 31st general meeting.

Please plan to attend the next Search and Support Meeting at 7:30 p.m., on Monday, January 8th, at Sandy's home. Future meeting dates are Monday, February 12th and Monday, March 12th.  

The next General Meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 31st at the Bear Public Library in Room 1. Following the meeting, everyone is invited to Bob Evan's restaurant for some good food and friendly conversation.  Future meeting dates are Wednesday, February 28th and Wednesday, March 28th.

Bastard Nation is pleased to announce TIES, the Terminal Illness Emergency Search program.  BN has assembled a team of professional and volunteer searchers, as well as a search and reunion support network of volunteers, who have donated their time and expertise to searching for birthfamily members of those with a terminal illness.

In order to qualify for free search assistance and support from the TIES program, individuals must have been diagnosed with a terminal illness. A letter from a certified physician will be required.  TIES has written an introductory letter for patients to present to their physician to aid in this process.  Qualified applicants must be adoptees searching for their birthfamily. Membership in Bastard Nation is not required.

For complete details of the program, other inquiries, or to receive an application, please email ties@ties-search.org or visit the TIES website.

TIES is always searching for individuals willing to donate their search and /or support skills and expertise.  If you would like to volunteer, please email ties@ties-search.org.

I've recently sent in $5,500.00 in Genuardi's register receipts for their fund raising program.  Keep 'em coming!! Bring your receipts to the meeting or mail them to Finders Keepers, Inc., P.O. Box 748, Bear, DE 19701-0748 .

Remember to visit the Finders Keepers Bookstore (an affiliate of Amazon.com) when you're shopping.   A percentage of your purchase will help Finders Keepers continue its purpose of helping families reunite.  Amazon.com offers range of items such as books, music, video, toys, games, electronics and software.   You can use the search box below to find any item:

In Association with Amazon.com

Remember, this website is for you!  Our Who We Are section is in desperate need of some updated material.  Consider sharing your stories to support and encourage others.  Please send your views, opinions, stories, poems, photos - anything that you want to share - to our webmaster.  If you don't have a scanner, but have a photo or artwork you'd like us to publish, please bring it to a meeting or send it to Finders Keepers, Inc. at P. O. Box 748, Bear, DE 19701-0748. We will take care of it and be sure to return it to you promptly.

If you have anything you would like to share in our newsletter, please let me know.

Love ya,

February 2001 ] [ January 2001 ] 2000 Newsletters ]

Send mail to searchde@aol.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: February 22, 2001