Bastard Nation Local Activism Page Links to your legislatures, groups, media and ideas for activism in your state.Bastard Nation Position Papers Includes articles on open records, adoptive families, privacy issues, conditional access legislation, abortion, registries, and more. If you don't understand why we say that Delaware does not have open records, read the article on conditional access legislation and understand why this legislation is worse than no change at all!Green Ribbon Campaign for Open Records The purpose of the Green Ribbons Campaign for Open Records is increase public awareness of the inequities inherent in the present situation in all states except Alaska and Kansas. Visit this site for updates on the status of open records legislation across the nation. International Registration Day (or RegDay) is held the first Saturday in October. Sponsored by the Adoption Registration Coaliton, it's an annual event held to furnish information about the International Soundex Reunion Registry and to assist adults interested in finding lost family by registering with the ISRR. Volunteer today! Excerpts from a statement made by Gerry Gambill at a conference on Human Rights at the Tobique Reserve in New Brunswick, Canada back in August, 1958. In his speech, Mr. Gambill warns about the ways in which this society goes about taking away the human rights of Native American Indians. Substitute "adoptee" or "birthparent" or "adoptive parent" (or "gay" or "women" or "homeless"...) and you will not only begin to understand, but also you will learn how to resist. Think about this one! You don't have to be a lawyer to understand this basic information. Find out how this bill not only treats all parties in adoption (except the lawyers!) as second class citizens, and tops it off by questioning the maturity of adoptees who demand their rights. One of the oldest and most acclaimed adoption search and activism sites on the Internet, with lots of great stories and resources.
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