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About.com Adoption ForumAbout.com Adoption Forum  Links to many registries... type "registries" in the search box and go! About. com also offers plenty of information relative to the adoption community.  Resources, articles, discussions, current issues, polls - you name it - if it's about adoption, it's here!

Delaware Reunion Registry  Created by a birthmother and her husband, this site provides many resources for the state of Delaware, as well as a searchable database.

International Soundex Reunion Registry  A free mutual consent reunion registry.  Register today!

RegDay  Held the first Saturday in October, International Registration Day (or RegDay) is sponsored by the International Soundex Reunion Registry and to assist adults interested in finding lost family by registering with ISRR. Volunteer to help with RegDay 2000 today!

Lia's Links Adoption Reunion Registries and Search Links.   Lia's site contains links to over to over 260 adoption reunion registries and over 200 other search and support links.

World Wide Registry  A large, user-maintained registry.  Registrations are distributed to a world-wide public forum.


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Send mail to searchde@aol.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: March 19, 2001