October, 2000
Happy Halloween from Finders
It's been a while since we've published a newsletter...so much has been going on!
Thank you for your patience.
Finders Keepers was mentioned in a few articles appearing in the
Sunday, October 8th edition of the News Journal. There was a front page
story about the black market adoptions involving Dr. Jerome D. Niles of
Middletown. Two additional searching articles appeared on page 11 of the paper
version. I'd like to express my thanks to J.L. Miller, the reporter, for
presenting a fair and informative view. The articles generated almost 60 hits on our
website on Sunday alone! I'd like to welcome Jeff, Cindy, Nancy, Sherri, Jane,
Patti, Nina, Gene and Helene to Finders Keepers. All of these individuals have begun
searches because of the articles. Although we have a few more cases than usual,
please know that Finders Keepers will ensure that everyone who contacts us receives search
assistance and support.
The members of Finders Keepers express their condolences to Barry, who's birth cousin
passed away recently.
I hope to see many regulars, as well as new searchers, at the Search and Support
Meeting 7:30p.m., Monday, November 13th, at Sandy's home.
The next General Meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 25th at the Bear Public
Library. Due to scheduling conflicts, the meeting dates for October and November
have been changed from the usual last Thursday of the the month, to the last Wednesday of
the month. November's General Meeting will be on Wednesday, November 29th.
The Finders Keepers annual Holiday Party
will be held at 6 p.m.on Saturday, December 16th, at Sandy's home. Please bring a
wrapped, unisex gift costing no more than $5.00 and a large covered dish. Dress
casual or dress up, it's up to you! No alcohol please.

Finders Keepers has a new holiday fundraiser.
Buy a great holiday gift for just $8.00; and Avon will give $2.00 to Finders
Keepers! This set of three spun glass ornaments
(snowman, wreath, and reindeer) is trimmed in 22 karat gold and comes in a lovely gift
box. If you have kids who are looking for a small way to say "Happy
Holidays" to their teachers, it's an economic way to purchase three gifts at
Call the Finders Keepers' Avon Lady, Peggy, at (302) 834-6653 or send her an email to order your set now! (Make checks
payable to Finders Keepers, Inc.)
Don't forget to visit the Finders Keepers
Bookstore (an affiliate of Amazon.com) when you're contemplating Holiday
giftgiving. A percentage of your purchase will help Finders Keepers continue its
purpose of helping families reunite. Amazon.com offers range of items such as books,
music, video, toys, games, electronics and software that make great gifts. You can
use the search box below to find the perfect gift:

On the legislative front, the special session of the Delaware legislation
has opened and closed without any action being taken on the the Delaware Baby Dump legislation, HB
555. The issue may once again come to the table during the Fall legislative
session. Please take the time to contact the bill sponsors and let them know that BABY
The United States has finally ratified the Hague Convention. You can
read the Bastard Nation
Action Alert: U.S. Intercountry Adoption
Act of 2000 Passes. They managed to get some really bad language OUT
of this (like sealed records for adoptees coming into the US regardless of the policies in
the country of origin), so this is good.

We have more new pages at our site:
I've finally found all of my pieces...
is a page to announce successful searches. In the future, we plan to add additional
pages offering support and guidance to assist you when your reunion takes place.
Searching in Delaware is another
section in progress which, when completed, will offer information needed and where to get
it when searching specifically in Delaware.
Baby Dumping is an addition
under our legislative section which outlines the specifics of HB555, the bill that will
legalize infant abandonment.
Fundraiser is a new page that will
feature any current fundraiser Finders Keepers is conducting to help with organizational
Remember, this site is for you! Our Who We Are section is in desperate need of
some updated material. Please send your views, opinions, stories, poems, photos -
anything that you want to share - to our webmaster
for inclusion in our site. If you don't have a scanner, but have a photo or artwork
you'd like us to publish, please bring it to a meeting or send it to Finders Keepers, Inc.
at P. O. Box 748, Bear, DE 19701-0748. We will take care of it and be sure to return it to
you promptly.
I guess that's it for now, if you have anything you would like to share in our
newsletter, please let me know.
Love ya,